Saturday, 21 November 2015
Today I have conduced research about the unknown species Werewolves. I have combined all my research and put it in a presentation to share to my fellow classmates. This is my finished product.
Friday, 20 November 2015
Persuasive Reading: Cellphones
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing. Read through each
strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.
Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main
point or stance
| |
Big Names – Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument
| |
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or
facts to support the argument
The writer states a fact to that reader that read “..many of our children are under threat of violence merely by the possession of a phone.”
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
| |
Ethos – Tries to build trust and
| |
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency
for the cause
The author of this writing those build a sense of urgency for the cause when he wrote” Mobile phones emit a dosage of radiation, which is harmful to the user and cause severe brain damage.......”
Research – Uses studies and
information to make the
argument seem more convincing;
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations
The author has told the audience (Reader) that “The recent rise in crimes associated with mobiles.....”
The Best Super Power Ever
Many famous superheros have very useful superpowers, but no superhero has the superpower like Telekinesis. Telekinesis is the best superpower you could ever have.
Having the power to look into people's mind is awesome but only if you are using it for the right reasons. You always have that times when someone is telling you something and you cannot understand. Why not just ask that person to repeat themselves when you can just read their mind and get all those graphical details that the person has missed out.
There are always people that are going to lie to you in your life. Talking face to face to a person that demises you and always lies to you is not very nice. If someone was in danger and the person lies to you can easily look in to his mind or analyze the person's feeling to see if there is something unusual going on.
Telekinesis could not only give you an advantage to look into other people's thoughts but this unique skill could also gives you the power to move solid objects and liquid with only your mind. Instead of standing up to get something you may have forgotten to get while you're all warm you could use your own mind power to control what is yours.
Using Telekinesis could place you the advantage at any time of the day. You can enjoy it too but only if you use this unique skill in the right way and use it for good. Just like Yoda “Use the force”.
The Our Father
The Our Father
L.I Identify the number of petitions in the Our Father and what they are about.
Matthew 6:9 -13
Luke 11: 2 - 4
The Prayer
Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be your name,
Your Kingdom come.
Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And do not bring us to the time of trial, but rescue us from the evil one.
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come,
Give us each day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins,
for we ourselves forgive
everyone indebted to us.
And do not bring us to the time of trial.
Our Father in heaven
Hallowed be your name
Your kingdom come
Your will be done on earth
as in heaven
Give us today our daily bread
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us
Save us from time of trial and deliver us from evil.
Which is the shortest version? Luke 11: 2 - 4
How is God addressed in each version?
In Each Version Is Revered As Our Father
In Each Version Is Revered Redeemer
In Each Version Is Revered Holy
How many petitions are there in each version?
Which gospel version is most like the Our Father as it is prayed today?
The Prayer
Name some things Jesus did to fulfill the first three petitions during his life?
Jesus broke bread with his disciples and gave the bread to them to eat
As the son of God Jesus did not execute his enemies or made war with his enemy because he sinned against him but Jesus forgave them
Jesus blessed, prayed, and forgave those who sinned against him
What human needs does Jesus invite people to ask God for in the last our petitions?
To Not Follow Sin
Choose The Right Path
Listen To God
Compare the 3 versions - Answer the questions - Share this activity will whanau- Pray the Our Father in your family / whanau prayer.
My Life Journey
"During my life journey all these things are going to help me to get to God's House, Heaven. Through my life the roads is going to be winding and rough like a roller coaster. I will sometimes get off track and lose my way but by the help of the Holy Spirit and God I will make my way to God."
Thursday, 19 November 2015
The Mysterious Pegasus
Today I have conduced research about the unknown species Werewolves. I have combined all my research and put it in a Google document to share to my fellow classmates. This is my finished product.
The Winged Horse but well known as the Pegasus is one of the most known creature in the Greek mythology. He is a winged mythical colt that is pure classic white. Son of the King of seas Poseidon and his mother Mudusar. Pegasus was the brother of Chrysaor who held a big golden sword. They were both born at single birth after there mother Medusa was decapitated by Zeus’ son Perseus.
Poets and scribes wrote abouts tells of the White Winged Horse ascendance to heaven and its allegiance with the King of Gods, Zeus. Zeus gave instructions to Pegasus to carry out thunder and lightning out over Olympus. He had a strong relationship with Muses. His friendship with Muses enabled him to find Hippocrene. Which was the only source to enter Mt. Helicon.
The Great Pegasus was captured near Mt. Helicon by Bellerophon who was thee greatest hero in Greek at that time. We was accompanied by Athena and Pegasus’ father Poseidon. Pegasus allowed The Hero ride him to defeat a monster by the name of Chimera, sooner to realize there were much more adventures to go explore. One day Pegasus and his rider flew to the to of Mount Olympus when The Greats Hero fell of his back.
Soon after this tragic accident Zeus turned Pegasus into a constellation. The Pegasus constellation is a symbol of wisdom and fame.
The Community of God
Today I have wrote about the church and the understanding about Gods community. I have then put it in wordle and created an art work from all my words.
Friday, 16 October 2015
Pie and Bar Graph
Today I constructed pie and a bar gragh using 'Google Spreadsheet'. Firstly I entered my data in the first two columns. I then selected this information in the graph. I used the customiser tool to add in a axis and a title.
Monday, 12 October 2015
This morning in Room 8 for maths we investigated angles of triangles. Firstly I drew a equilateral triangle on a piece of paper. Second I cut out the triangle I drew. Then I cut of the sides of the triangle which also known as the angles trying to make each angle the same size. I then put the angle in a pattern so that each of the angles are on the straight line with no gapes. This exercise helped me understand that a triangle is exactly 180 degrees because they make a straight line. We tried the same experiment again but instead of using the same triangle we then used a Isosceles triangle. The resulted was the same The angles were 180 degrees.
Wednesday, 2 September 2015
Learning Intention:
How does the Holy Spirit guide these people today?
The Judges today are very different from the Old Testament. Our judges from today work for justice. They make things just for all people. Especially if a person or a group of people committed a crime. Depending on the crime they have committed the judges will have to decide what kind of consequence the person who committed the crime will be given. The Judge does not send the sinner to jail because he or she doesn't like the sinner but has to gather up enough information
Our Kings and Queens today are the same as Queens and Kings in the Old Testament. Kings and Queens today rule their land the same way the Old Testament Kings and Queens ruled their land.
The only thing that today’s Queens and Kings do different today is ruling their land with just. Just like a judges Kings and Queens decide rules and
Prophets are people who praise and talk to God virtually. Today we do not talk to God face to face or with him responding in a matter of time with his own voice but we talk to him through prayer, singing, and going to church. People think we our self is a prophet. The people God has created are prophets. No one knows if there are any more prophets today.
Old Testament
The time of the Judges in the old testament was brutal. There unfaithful Kings and there were graceful Judges. The judges very merciful people. There mission was to be a leader to everyone. God guided and gave strength to the Judges for their good work. There were only fifteen judges and God chose all of them. One of the chosen judges was a woman named Deborah. Among of those chosen judges was Deborah. Deborah was not on only a judge but was also a Prophetess, making God’s word known to the people on earth.
She reminded people of the world of the Ten Commandments that God gave to Moses on mount Sinai. She gave a message from God to Barak to gather Ten thousand soldiers to fight against the unkind King John and his ungraceful leader Sisera at Mount Tabor. Barak had no confidence to fight against king John but Deborah told him to follow God and trust in him and he would be victorious.
Deborah was a preacher. She would give advice and talk about to everyone who would visit her. She stay under a tree until someone passed by and she would preach to them.
During the time of Solomon it was not like today. It was very different. All crimes had a consensus. The motto ‘Forgive and Forget’ did not live in the hearts of the people. Solomon was a true follower to the people of his land. His father King David trusted in Solomon. Solomon anointed by Kadok and nathan when his was only 20 but was chosen to be a king by God. His belief in god was strong. One day Solomon had a vision where God was talking to him. Solomon asked for wisdom from God. God gave Solomon what he wanted but God gave Solomon wealth as well. Solomon’s kingdom grew bigger with approximately 1 million people. King Solomon decided to divide his kingdom into 12 districts so each 12 months of a the year each district has to provide what is needed at the central court. Solomon wanted to maintain the kingdom and form friendly association with his neighbour. It took him 20 years to build the temple and it is constructed of the finest cedar wood and precious metals. In it I will put the Ark of Covenant in which are kept the tablet with the 10 commandment on them. This was put in a place called the Holy of Hollies. The Temple was a dream from his father King David who was also guided by the spirit of God.
One day Solomon was in a challenging situation. Two women was fighting over one baby. Solomon told one of his guards to cut the baby in half and give one half to one of the women and other half to the other women. One of the women told Solomon to stop and give the baby to the other women. Once solomon had heard the cry Solomon told the guard to give the baby to the women to stop. Solomon used trust from God to decided which women should have the baby.
Isaiah lived in a kingdom of Judah 800 years before Christ After King Solomon died towards the end of the 10th century, his kingdom of Israel was torn by war and fighting. The kingdom was split in 2 – the kingdom of Israel also called the Northern Kingdom and the kingdom of Judah also known as the Southern Kingdom. Both kingdoms had kings but it was only on Judah that the traditions of worshipping God which King David has started and handed on to his son King Solomon were preserved. Judah was all that was left of Solomon’s great kingdom which he had lead so wisely.
Monday, 24 August 2015
2 Timothy 4: 6-8
Ko te 21 Ratu o te Hongongoi tenei ra
This morning scripture from 2 Timothy 4:6-8 was about how we can live our lives.
This scripture was written during the time Paul was in jail. Paul was very lonely, he missed Timothy, and all his friends. Paul was grateful that he had lived a full life - he thought this life was about to end. Indications are that he was strong in faith.
I thank God for my Grandma who is eighty-three. She has successively raised my father and who is still looking after my cousins and I sometimes throughout our childhood.
My Learning Journal
This my Garden Inquiry Learning Journal. This has dates I have been working and some questions I have answered. I have done some work in between these dates but I did not recorded them.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Today I have done an activity about being cybersmart. Our aim of the game was to answer questions about being cybersmart in the world of electronics. There are 11 questions and you would get a rating out of 25 when you complete the activity. I got a rating of 25/25 completing and correctly answering each question.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
The Best Advertisement In 2014: Critique
The Best Advertisement: Critique
The Writer of this Advertisement gave a special message to the audience through this ad. The message behind this advertisement was to encourage people to give back to the less fortunate people, animal and creations of the community and all around the world. Through out the advertisement there subtitles translating the words of the narrator's so we can understand the message of the ad is giving but even though without the subtitles we could still figure out the message and carry that message on to the world.
This Award winning advertisement has mentioned Thai life insurance and gives away messages that famous people would use to help the world with problems it has.
There are six actors including a dog and four adults that help carry the message in the advertisement. In the Ad the Main character is giving away all he has. When he does his good deeds there are people watching him and disagreeing about what he has done to help the creations of God grow. Building up to the end of the ad he is still continuing his good deeds and makes the people who disagreed agree with him when they saw the changes of what was once weak made strong. The background music brings the whole ad together in one and made you feel the pain and happiness of the actors.
Many emotions come upon you when you watch this touching advertisement. Feelings of happiness and sadness take over you. The words and actions of the actors tell the story that makes you feel what you feel when watching this ad. Relating to this video is very easy. Knowing the world is actually is like this makes you even more sorry for the actors even though this is just an advertisement.
Facts used in this ad makes you more engaged to the message of what the advertisement is giving. The ad uses facts that relates to the ‘Real World’.
Facts used in this ad makes you more engaged to the message of what the advertisement is giving. The ad uses facts that relates to the ‘Real World’.
The writers and directors of the advertisement are making the audience see that there is people who are less fortunate than us, and that this man is giving away all he has but it makes him we should give back to make the world a better place….e.g. ‘He doesn't get anything for doing what he those everyday, He gets nothing, He won’t be richer, He won’t appear on TV......’
This advertisement did not use any research but used the ‘Truth’. The truth about what is going on around the world. The truth about what you could do to help people. The truth about the world itself.Sunday, 9 August 2015
Te Reo Tupu - He Reo Ora
Te Reo Tupu - He Reo Ora -
Learning Reo Through Using It In Our Everyday Lives.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Cadbury Creme Eggs
The writer very cleverly uses the phrase ‘Don’t get caught’ in the beginning of advertisement and repeats the same phrase throughout the advertisement and ends the advertisement to maintain the audience's attention.
The author uses This little angel... ‘ to introduce this girl as an innocent child.
The writer says 'People can’t resists the double coated creamy egg chocolate...' because the fact it has double coated chocolate that makes the audience more engaged to their product.
The advertisement gives a sense of urgency to buy the product because the advertisement says that the chocolate is irresistible.
Were Back!!
It's term three and were back. Sione and I are back for yet another term. Check out my buddy's Blog
Sione @ Saint Patricks.
Sione @ Saint Patricks.
Tuesday, 4 August 2015
The Girl That Silenced The World
Persuasive Reading Analysis:
Take another look at the persuasive piece of reading/ writing.
What strategies does the author use to try to persuade you?
Below are strategies writers often use for this form of writing. Read through each
strategy and decide whether the author used that strategy by writing yes or no in the second column. If you write yes, then explain how the author used that strategy.
Persuasive strategy
Yes / No
How the author used it?
Claim – States the main
point or stance
Severn Suzuki opens up her powerful speech with a loud and strong statement for all adults to change their harmful ways to protect families, friends, for her generation, and for all generations to come. Suzuki uses her power voice to deliver her short solid statement to grasp the public's attention. e.g. “I am fighting for my future.....”
Big Names – Mentions experts and
important people to support the argument
Even though she does not mention any huge names she directs her speech to delegates, adults,children, and everyone.
Logos – Uses logic, numbers, or
facts to support the argument
Within the speech Suzuki gives various facts that impacts on the audiences around the world to think on. Her words gives a great sense to the facts that she gives.
With the facts she uses she gives contrast to everyone who is listening.
Pathos – Appeals to the audience’s emotions
Suzuki’s words and actions make you empathise, worried and scared of what adults and people around the world are doing to the environment and to our precious world.
Using the audience, the speaker addresses their relationships as fathers, mothers, aunts, uncles, and most strongly children e.g. ”You are all children”
Ethos – Tries to build trust and
Suzuki talks about what is actually happening around world and gives true statements that are detailed and factual.
Kairos – Builds a sense of urgency
for the cause
She makes a solid statement. “If you can’t fix it, then don’t break it”. This statement strengthens her argument and possibly makes the delegates and adults at the U.N Conference think about what they can do to improve the situation.
Research – Uses studies and
information to make the
argument seem more convincing;
this can be in the form of words,
graphs, tables, or illustrations
Suzuki focuses on her studies and transfers her studies into the speech she gives to the delegates. e.g. “We cannot fix the hole in the OZone Layer ect...”
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