
Saturday 3 August 2013

My Cool Goals

We are learning  how to write our own goal for term three. I have written my maths, writing and reading goals.I know I have learnt it because I have persuaded a person to like what I like , read two types of texts and can solve a maths problem using two strategics. Here are my goals.

My goal for writing it to persuade  the person using my words and vocabulary .This is important because just in case another person is doing something crazy and I can persuade the person to not do it. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be. I will learn more vocabulary and try to persuade a person to like something of mine.

My goal for Reading  is to read Two different types of texts in 1 each week.This is important because I can read the newspaper  and see what is happening in the neighbourhood just in case there is a burglar on the loose.The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be find more texts to read different texts each day,Read the texts to my sisters or brother s each night.

My goal for Maths is to use two ways to solve maths problems.This is important because if someone takes my strategy I have another one. The steps I will take to achieve my goal will be  find out other  ways to solve the problem and get a equation to solve.

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